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FAQ Payment

Buyers' Premium
Attention Bidders: Please take note that there is a 5.00% Buyers' Premium on all items purchased through this site. 5.00% of the winning bid will be added to the final sale to cover a portion of the fees associated with the auction. This total will be visible on your invoice prior to making payment.
What should our payment deadline be?
We suggest that payment deadlines be 3-5 business days
What if the winner doesn't pay?
If the first round bidder doesn't pay before the payment deadline, you will be contacted to retract all unpaid bids and offer those items to the 2nd round bidders.
How long to 2nd round bidders have to pay?
Second round bidders are given 48 hours to make payment. Once that payment deadline has passed, you will be contacted to retract for the final time.